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The Nine Worlds

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The Nine Worlds Empty The Nine Worlds

Message  LA Ven 30 Mar - 11:52

> soulofniflheim.tumblr.com

A collection of pictures from real life, illustrating the nine worlds of Norse Mythology.

The Nine Worlds Tumblr_m1o082PIK41rs8euf

Jotunheim: Home of the giants (also a mountain chain in Norway).
Alfheim: Home of the elven people.
Svartalfheim: Home of the dark elven people (and dwarves).
Asgard: Home of the Aesir (gods like Oden and Thor).
Utgard: Home of the demons and other giants of the universe.
Midgard: Home of the humans (Us).
Vanaheim: Home of the Vanir (gods like Skadi and Bragi).
Niflheim: Home of the lost souls of murderers (also, Helheim is located inside Niflheim).
Muspelheim: The home of the destroyer Surt, who will bring destruction when Ragnarök comes.


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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