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Musées vikings

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Musées vikings Empty Musées vikings

Message  LA Jeu 9 Aoû - 10:23

List of viking museums > http://www.vikingart.com/Perm_Ex.htm

Musées vikings en France > http://encyclopedieyggdrasil.fr/Encyclopedie_Yggdrasil,_lencyclopedie_vivante_du_monde_viking/Musees_vikings.html

L'encyclopédie viking : Encyclopedieyggdrasil.fr > http://encyclopedieyggdrasil.fr/Encyclopedie_Yggdrasil,_lencyclopedie_vivante_du_monde_viking/Encyclopedie_Culture_Viking.html

National museum of Iceland > http://www.thjodminjasafn.is/english
The National Museum of Iceland’s permanent exhibition, Making of a Nation - Heritage and History in Iceland, is intended to provide insight into the history of the Icelandic nation from the Settlement to the present day: "The Making Of A Nation".

Reconstitutions historiques > http://www.reconstitution-historique.com/

The Bristish Museum > http://www.britishmuseum.org/learning/schools_and_teachers/resources/all_resources-1/resource_viking_craftwork.aspx
Explorer : http://www.britishmuseum.org/explore/highlights/highlights_search_results.aspx?RelatedId=1672

The Viking Museum Website > http://www.thevikingmuseum.com/

- Ulfelagar > http://www.ulfelagar.org/fr/
Notre but est de reconstiter tous types de personnages et d'artisans civils de cette période. Certains et certaines endossent aussi parfois des rôles de combattants.

- Jorvik Viking Centre > http://www.jorvik-viking-centre.co.uk/
Welcoming 16 million visitors since 1984, the JORVIK Viking Centre invites visitors to journey through the reconstruction of Viking-Age streets as they would have looked 1000 years ago. JORVIK Viking Centre also offers four exciting exhibitions and the chance to actually come face to face with a Viking.

- Beornings > http://beornings.over-blog.com/
Troupe de reconstitueurs Viking et Goths de -100 au 9e siècle


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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