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Epées de vikings

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Epées de vikings Empty Epées de vikings

Message  LA Ven 2 Mar - 13:01

On hurricaine.tumblr.com: "It has an inscription on the blade which, I think, says “until Ragnarok”"
Epées de vikings Tumblr_m066ciu1dZ1qgdi96o1_500


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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Epées de vikings Empty Epée Viking par Grégory Delaunay

Message  LA Mar 6 Mar - 13:02


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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Epées de vikings Empty Hanwei Viking Sword

Message  LA Mar 13 Mar - 16:43

> Hanwei Viking Sword by =jocarra

Epées de vikings Viking_Sword_by_jocarra

Solid damascus steel, interwoven leather grip and scabbard with bronze detailing and belt hooks.


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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Epées de vikings Empty Viking Sword, 10th Century, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Message  LA Mar 20 Mar - 15:26

> The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cette épée semble avoir servie de modèle à l'épée du forgeron (post 1).

Epées de vikings DT758

“The skillfully decorated hilt and blade indicate that this sword was carried by a warrior of high rank, perhaps a Viking chieftain or a Frankish nobleman. The braided copper wires on the pommel may represent an earlier Scandinavian custom of tying a talisman to a sword hilt. The pattern-welded blade was forged of intertwined rods of steel and iron, a technique that produced a tough, resilient blade with a distinctive swirling pattern on its surface.”


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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Epées de vikings Empty Re: Epées de vikings

Message  LA Mer 21 Mar - 11:05

Epées de vikings Tumblr_m0xj7d2Pa51r6f0de


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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Epées de vikings Empty Re: Epées de vikings

Message  LA Jeu 22 Mar - 18:02


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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Epées de vikings Empty Re: Epées de vikings

Message  LA Lun 26 Mar - 19:06

> Viking swords at Bergen museum

Epées de vikings Tumblr_m1ia771Qdu1qfg4oyo1_500


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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Epées de vikings Empty CELTIC sword

Message  LA Mer 28 Mar - 10:45


Celtic (France), 60 BC

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

“This magnificent anthropomorphic Celtic sword is also one of the best preserved. The beautifully modeled head that terminates the hilt is one of the finest surviving images of a Celtic warrior. The human form of the hilt—appearing as a geometric reduction of a classical warrior—must have been intended to enhance the power of the owner and to bear a talismanic significance. The face is emphatically articulated with large almond eyes, and the head with omega-shaped and finely drawn hair. Although the scabbard has become amalgamated to the iron blade, affecting parts of the surface, its ornamentation and the exquisitely worked hilt make the whole an evocative statement about the technical ability of the Celts, the powerful conquerors of ancient Europe. The sword is of a type associated with the La Tène culture, named after the important Celtic site on Lake Neuchâtel in present-day Switzerland and eastern France. Other related anthropomorphic swords from diverse finds in France, Ireland, and the British Isles demonstrate the expansion of the Celts across Europe. As the first such example in the Museum’s collection, the sword is a superb and singular example that richly adds to a select group of Celtic works of art.”

Epées de vikings Tumblr_m1842c01r11r4kizgo2_500


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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Epées de vikings Empty Hilt of a Viking Sword

Message  LA Ven 11 Mai - 22:39

Found at Hedeby, Denmark, 9th Century

Epées de vikings Tumblr_m2k873iUAg1rrjmgoo1_500


Messages : 284
Date d'inscription : 26/02/2012


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